Leo and Capricorn are two of the most bossy, autocratic signs in the zodiac. When a Leo man and a Capricorn woman fall in love, will they join forces to achieve great things, or will the zodiac’s two bosses battle it out forever more?
The attraction between the Leo man and the Capricorn woman isn’t exactly what we might think of as obvious. The Leo man is a larger than life figure, full of joie de vivre, wanting to be the center of attention at all times. In his head, the universe revolves around him. The Capricorn woman, on the other hand, has far more sense, and will observe his flashy behaviour with raised eyebrows and pursed lips. She doesn’t like to draw attention to herself, and she exudes a quiet air of authority instead of a pushy nature. So what is it that starts to form Leo man Capricorn woman compatibility?
Essentially, this couple are drawn together by their shared love of power. They probably got to know each other as friends or colleagues, each sensing that the other was someone useful to know. Once the Leo man discovered that the Capricorn woman wasn’t as boring as he thought, and once the Capricorn woman discovered that the Leo man did have a sensitive heart underneath his swagger, the inexplicable happened and they fell in love. For the Leo man and Capricorn woman, compatibility is likely to be have been a slow burning thing rather than an instant attraction.
As a fire sign and earth sign combination, this couple will lead an interesting sex life. The Leo man has the power and the passion to unearth the Capricorn woman’s inner sensuality, and she in turn has the depth and the rawness to bring meaning to their sexual compatibility. The couple help each other in other ways too. The Leo man can teach the Capricorn woman to get more fun out of life, and that taking a risk isn’t always a bad thing. The Capricorn woman can show the Leo man the value of observation, planning and forethought, and she can offer him practical help to get his dreams off the ground. For the Leo man and Capricorn woman, compatibility means understanding what qualities the other partner has which complement their own.
Material Success, But at What Cost?
Together, this couple can indeed achieve a great deal. They are both very concerned with status and with living a certain kind of lifestyle, and they are both extremely hard workers, so it’s likely that they will achieve material success together. This comes at a cost, however, and if they spend too much time working or maintaining their material position, that means less time they have to spend simply being in love and being together. The Leo man and Capricorn woman can be the very embodiment of the power couple who seem to have it all, to the outside world, but who end up leading quite separate lives within the same house. Leo man Capricorn woman compatibility is always in danger of drifting apart due to this sheer emotional distance and due to a lack of time for each other.
When the relationship is working well, however, this couple can play hard as well as work hard. There will always be arguments over who is in charge, and there will be conflicts over money too, since the Capricorn woman wants to save while the Leo guy wants to spend, spend, spend. But so long as times are good, Leo man Capricorn woman compatibility can work surprisingly well.
During the more difficult times in life, however, the strain could easily become too much. The Capricorn woman is prone to depression at points in her life, and this is hard for the Leo man to deal with. In this earth-fire match, the Capricorn woman may eventually end up shovelling so much earth onto Leo’s fire that it goes out altogether. Conversely, the Leo man’s stress levels during difficult times go through the roof, and so does his temper – which can scorch his Capricorn woman’s earthy nature beyond repair. The long term hopes for Leo man Capricorn woman compatibility are good…but only until the bubble bursts.