Leo Woman

The Leo woman is a very strong, independent and capable woman. She can make her own way in the world, and does not rely upon a man for anything. Having said that, she is also a born romantic and has an idealistic view of love where her partner will protect and support her – she’s quite a contradiction once you get beneath the pride and the external joviality. Leo woman compatibility is complex, but the most important things she looks for in a man are honesty and sincerity.


Pay Attention to Me!leo-woman-compatibility

Because she earns her own living and does her own thing, Leo women rarely marry for money or convenience – it’s true love all the way. While she doesn’t seek status through her relationship, she does however seek adoration. The Leo woman wants to be adored, wants to loved, wants to be sought after. She demands respect from a partner, but more than that, she demands devotion. Leo woman compatibility does not work well with a flirtatious sign or someone who is too wrapped up in their own word to pay attention to hers.

When she is in love, the Leo woman is radiantly happy. Her aura of joy is very catching, and she warms the hearts of all who come into contact with her. What’s not to love? Well, she can be very bossy, and quite autocratic too. Don’t expect your household to be a democracy if you’re in love with a Leo woman. It doesn’t work that way. She’s in charge. If you’re hoping to make Leo woman compatibility last, you’ll need to accept that first and foremost.


leo-female-compatibilitySocial Graces

The Leo woman knows how to behave, socially. She dresses well and is the perfect hostess. Charming and elegant, she exudes understated class and doesn’t feel the need to show off too much. She will want her partner to progress socially too, and will quickly become infuriated if he doesn’t want to make an effort to look good. It’s not that she’s superficial, but she wants the best for her family and believes that the social graces are a good way to get the best. It’s important for Leo woman compatibility that her partner understands and co-operates with this.

Once in a committed relationship, the Leo woman brings warmth and happiness and a sense of adventure and fun. When the relationship flounders, however, she can become very demanding. She will want to keep any discord private, and will insist upon a united front in public. If a relationship is doomed, the Leo woman may find it hard to walk away because of her pride, and may stay longer than she should, to the detriment of both and her partner. Leo woman compatibility is enduring and stable most of the time, but break ups can be messy and psychologically damaging.

Everything You Want to Know About You and Your Partner

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