Scorpio Man and Taurus Woman

Scorpio and Taurus are opposite signs, and traditionally this means that their relationship stands a good chance. It doesn’t always work out that way, however, and for the Scorpio man and the Taurus woman, this relationship will require a lot of work.


scorpio-man-taurus-woman-compatibilitySulking in Corners

Both the Scorpio man and the Taurus woman belong to fixed signs, which means that both are somewhat stubborn and dogmatic, famously so in the case of the Taurus woman. They both adopt a position in life and then refuse to budge from it – not so much of a problem if the other partner is happy to meet them half way, but when a fixed sign falls in love with a fixed sign, there’s an awful lot of sulking in corners. It’s clear from the outset that Scorpio man Taurus woman compatibility has this initial hurdle to overcome.

There is an attraction here, however. The Scorpio man is an intense, emotional man who has quite an enigmatic aura about him. This is attractive to the Taurus woman because she is seeking a man who takes life seriously; she instinctively knows that the Scorpio man isn’t going to do anything foolish. The Scorpio man, meanwhile, has more than enough drama in his own emotions and doesn’t really want any more in his relationship, so he is drawn to the Taurus woman’s relatively calm and serene demeanor. She seems stable, and he likes that, because deep down he knows he’s not. So on the surface, at least, Scorpio man Taurus woman compatibility provides each partner with something they need.

In the bedroom, this couple are extremely sensual; the Scorpio man’s sex drive is legendary (if somewhat exaggerated) and the Taurus woman is an earth sign, and deeply tactile and affectionate. Their sex life binds this couple together strongly, and is a constant in their lives which they come to value highly. So that’s another plus for potential Scorpio man Taurus woman compatibility.


scorpio-man-compatibility-taurus-womanTrue Team Work

This couple also share very determined natures. Both will work tirelessly towards what they want in life, and neither rushes into things on a whim. They are quite cautious people, afraid of making mistakes and afraid of getting hurt. They make decisions very differently, however – the Taurus woman is ever practical and pragmatic, while the Scorpio man will rely on his intuition and his instincts. Working together, this water/earth couple could have the best of both worlds, using both their heads and their hearts, which shows how Scorpio man Taurus woman compatibility can give rise to real team work.

However, the Scorpio man and the Taurus woman operate on such different emotional levels that it’s tough to see either of them adapting to the other. The Scorpio man’s intense emotional mood swings will eventually exasperate even the Taurus woman’s plentiful patience. The Taurus woman’s placid, common sense handling of her own emotions is completely foreign to the tumultuous Scorpio man, who will after a while start to find his Taurus woman too reserved emotionally, and too uptight. She remains calm on the surface of the ocean, while he plunges regularly to the depths and back again – yes, the Taurus woman can offer the Scorpio man a safe anchorage, but that’s not really what he wants. He wants someone to dive with him, and in Scorpio man Taurus woman compatibility, that’s not what he finds.

The Taurus woman will also tire of the Scorpio man’s manipulative streak, being much more open and honest herself. Factor in some extreme jealousy and possessiveness from both partners, and you have quite an unstable relationship with neither partner – fixed signs, remember – willing to compromise. For this reason, Scorpio man Taurus woman compatibility, though passionate, is not really built to last.

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