Libra Moon Compatibility: Languidly Loving

Libra is one of the most easy going and charming signs of the zodiac. If your Moon is in Libra, you express your emotions through this diplomatic, affable sign’s energies, which makes you emotionally intelligent and a bit of an open book. Libra is ruled by Venus, so Libra Moon compatibility is strong with many signs, but there are quirks to your lunar personality which make the careful choice of a partner essential. You’re a gentle and idealistic soul, and your heart is all too easily broken.


Instinctively Seeking Your Other Halflibra-moon-compatibility

Above and beyond all other signs, Libra feels an emotional need to be in a relationship, and to be one half of a partnership. When the Moon is in Libra, this emotional need becomes even stronger, and Libra Moon compatibility is often the absolute highest thing on your agenda while you’re single. Even when you’re happily in a relationship, you can become obsessed with keeping it going – sometimes well past the stage at which you really should have split up. Your reluctance to be single marks you out as being vulnerable to the wrong kind of partner. Trapped in an unsatisfactory relationship, you may struggle to get free. Learning to be more discerning over your choice of partner should be a high priority for you – as should developing the self-esteem to cope with being single when necessary.


Hopelessly Romantic

When you are in love, you are tremendously romantic, and an absolute pushover for romantic gestures of all kinds. Your partner can keep you happy with the tiniest of thoughtful moments, but if he or she fails to display this romantic nature, you’ll become stressed and worried that your relationship is on the rocks. Picking a partner who isn’t overtly romantic can leave you feeling depressed and unloved, even if your partner in reality loves you dearly. Libra Moon compatibility would be increased greatly if you could learn that not everyone is as demonstrative as you are – and that this is OK.


libra-moon-loveBalance and Diplomacy

Libra as a sign always seeks balance and fairness, and with your Moon in Libra you will find that your sense of emotional wellbeing is intricately connected with the atmosphere around you being peaceful. You can’t abide discord, and you will go out of your way to avoid confrontation with your partner. Although generally a positive trait, this can again be a disadvantage to Libra Moon compatibility if your partner is manipulative in any way. If you recognize this, that’s a step in the right direction, as you can then work on your assertiveness so that you can stand your ground when you need to. On the plus side, however, you are able to run a wonderfully harmonious home and when things are going well the atmosphere you create for your family cannot be beaten. A diplomatic, kind and sociable soul, you are the perfect host or hostess and will enjoy nothing better than showing off your partner by inviting others around to your home.

Everything You Want to Know About You and Your Partner

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